Goggle Roll Offs vs Tear-Offs While Racing

2022-09-21 17:22

Roll-Offs Work Better When the Weather Is Bad

When it’s raining, or the mud is flying more than usual, Roll-offs might be your best bet.   The rider is limited to how many tear-offs he or she can place on their goggles.   Modern tear-offs can be stacked laminations allowing the rider to have more tear-offs, but as the stack gets thicker, the vision quality goes down dramatically.

Since Roll-off systems allow for more “vision clearings” they are preferred in the muddiest of conditions.


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Guangzhou Lvqi Outdoor Products Co., Ltd, founded in 2006, provides professional and exquisite outdoor products for the sports industry. Through 10 years of effort and development, we have gradually developed be a professional production team.We always provide the high quality glasses with excellent quality, professional and safe material processing for our different customers base.

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